- In visiting the brewfest that supported NPR, I learned that it's actually very possible to mess up beer. I played the "beer roulette" by trying different beers and vomiting inside myself everytime I tried the wrong one. Subsequently, I got to see Oregon-B almost wretch after tasting the organic beers & the chili beer. Organic beer? Bad hippies! Knock that off!
- I've learned that suviving on a steady diet of Jack-in-the-Box for three days in row leaves you feeling like 20 lbs of hammered crap when coupled with drinking.
- I've learned I need to start bowling regularly again.
- I've learned that despite your need for a place to rest, a half-inflated air mattress is never a good idea...even if you're drunk off your gourd.
- Finally, I crawled out of the cave I was living in and finally saw Blade Runner. Far be it from me to question cinema, however, I had to pose the "dude, why did everyone blow their load over this slow motion, unending, action devoid movie" to my cinematically inclined brother. He explained that it was ahead of it's time when it was put out, it was produced and directed by the greats, and it was a movie tone based on classic detective work and film noir. All that aside, it didn't make up for how slow that movie was. Yikes
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