At face value, Sabine is hot. Flat out hot to look at, and probably to the point where'd she'd get a muffled "got-damn!" from a male passerby. Long legs, tight body, nice eyes. The fact that she's wearing knee-high boots and leather is a definate plus indeed. All the package of hotness in one.
Now, if you can imagine her holding an Ultimate Cheeseburger with Bacon or possibly a couple liter mugs of Spaten, her hot-meter begins to climb. Why? Because men are attracted to women (well, straight men), and all men like food. Combine the two (but not in a sexual way), and you're on the way to pure testosterone Heaven. For support, I point to old Greek and Roman murals of toga clad women feeding guys grapes. 'Nuff said. Food good, women good. Women bearing food, more good.
To continue this chain of reasoning, now imagine her holding instead of food, perhaps an oily wrench or an XBox controller. The hot-meter is now going into the red. Again I can hear women scratching their heads while the guys are nodding in agreeance. Simple. Guys like girls that look like girls. Guys also like girls that can understand what guys are into. Guys dig girls that can actually get into what guys are into. Ask any man if they'd want a girl that was into football....no question about it.
To top out the scale, I would submit by replacing guy items (i.e. wrenches) and food, and instead, we simply place a weapon...such as a sword or possibly a fully automatic machine gun in her hand. The hot-meter has now exploded in such a manner that the mercury thermometer explodes in the cartoons. Hotness is a girl that can not only look like a girl (which is to exclude "pats" and unusually buff women), but can also kick a$$ at the same time.
There may be some variation from guy to guy, however, I believe I've managed to capture the top three essences of the hotness add-on. Food, games, and guns. Remember that ladies next time you're trying to figure out what you're going to go clubbing in. Forget the fancy rings and just wear a side arm instead.
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