If you've never used craiglist.org, it's a wonderful resource. You can buy stuff, sell stuff, hire people, get a job, etc.etc.etc. You can meet people, set up communities, or just rant. Craigslist can do anything.
I use this site almost daily to post jobs for my work and to troll around for resumes for people that may be a good match for said jobs. In my trolling today, I discovered "The Best of Craigslist". This is a list of funny ads that have been identified at the user level as being something that should be saved. I thought I could rant? These people turn it into an art:
Entry 1 - Apparently this person sold his refridgerator on craigslist to a lady who turned out to be an absolute nagging lunatic. This is the letter he posted apparently after she picked it up (probably in the "rants and raves" category). As you read it through, you might laugh alittle.....after that, re-read it and imagine a guy speaking in a Jersey accent. Hilarious!
Entry 2 - As I said, you can also meet people romantically on here. They have the m4m, w4m, w4w, and any other combination you can think of. This guy actually created a cypher for ads (which it probably could go both ways on gender) and how to decide if they're even worth reading.
Entry 3 - This one is definately a rant. Whereas I don't have a large frame of reference about what this author is seeing every morning, their description of it is so detailed, I feel like I'm there. The cherry on the sundae is the repetition of "pull forward f#@ktard!" Genius!
Entry 4 - This one I can definately identify with. Anyone's who has gone trick-or-treating has always had the one house that's either dolling out fruit, or worse, religious propaganda. Seriously...Halloween is about giving candy. Just because I'm dressed like the devil doesn't mean I believe I am.
Entry 5 - I can't really even explain this one. All I know is that I wish I could be at the scene of these once-in-a-lifetime events.
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