28 March, 2011
Azurael Of Free Labour

24 March, 2011
Women Do It Better....Uh, Mostly....

- Frontline Combat - Seriously, pit me upagainst 95% of our female soldiers..guarenteed win.
- Boy Scout Leaders - Uhh....what's the first word? OH YEAH.
- Race Car Drivers - Danica Patrick, 'nuff said.
- Republicans - Something about attempting to shut down your own human rights just seems odd to me.
- (Most) Bosses - I've only ever had one female boss that was good, and while she was good, she was probably a bit too polite to tell me when I was screwing up.
- Gamers - I'm sorry ladies, unless you grew up an awkward 14 year old boy that had no friends and no one liked you, you just can't game like we do. In fact, I've never actually met a woman that knew more about games than I do.
- Perverted - I've heard plenty of women gush about how much they love sex, but you know what....there is no woman on this Earth that can hold a candle to a guy in terms of being more perverted. Now whether that ends up being bad? Whole different story.
Now with all this being said, there are many many many things that women typically do that often make guys look bad in the process:
- Superheros - Let's face it, short of a select few, most heroines and female villians are just really good at what they do (and look awesome in pretty much any costume - reference pic).
- Military Police - Every female soldier I had working under me were typically smarter, quicker, and waaaay more aggressive then most of my male soldiers.
- Seeming Perverted - Although women can't truely be more perverted, they can give a jaw dropping scene of seeming to be perverse. Most men would agree with me, any time a girl says something dirty, our brains stop functioning.
- Social Workers/Psychology - I will hand this over. Women seem to have a much stronger grasp on empathy then men do. I've dealt with a social worker before and she was just amazing!
- Nurses - Because guys shouldn't be nurses. I mean...come on. Really?
I'm sure there are quite a few I'm leaving out, and no, I'm not saying that men are superior to women. We definately suck at ALOT of aspects of life...but hey, I'm just sayin.
22 March, 2011
The Pants Serve No Purpose

It seems that I get to always do at least one thing unsavory when I'm hungover. Yesterday at the peak of my dizziness, nausea, and shakes, I had the fun job of firing a crappy employee. Now don't get me wrong, this guy was a slug and received more than this fair share of write-ups. It's rather the fact that when you know an employee is going to flip out when they get fired makes it a bit harder to plan for the obvious. The funny thing was, he tried to argue with me. At somepoint am I supposed to say "oh, well shoot....take back that whole 'firing' thing!" The phone call (yeah, I fired him over the phone...I'm not having him freakout at the workplace) with the typical "you'll hear from my lawyer...blah blah blah." Again, although a pisser as it were with a hangover (idle threats are not my favorite thing in the world), I'm not cooncerned at all. First and foremost, I've made lawers and people with doctorates look dumb, so I welcome the challenge. Second, I think any of my coworkers who took the stand would say "yep. He's a slug".
So in my fleeting moment of temporary sobriety, while I can feel my organs beginning to congeal from a soupy sledge, I might take this time to hit the gym fast and furious to do as much damage as I can. Also, I've begun taking Chantix again....so here comes the ever awe inspiring nausea again. W00T!
18 March, 2011
That's About Enough
Any consistant reader of this blog probably knows by now that I'm not a fan of the "breeders" of society. People that make it their mission in life to crap out as many children as human possibly, and beating their chests about how proud they are for...well...I guess doing what mankind has been doing since the dawn of time. No, congratulations are not in order, becoming pregnant is not an accomplishment. Finishing a marathon is an accomplishment. Getting a 4.0 on your report card is an accomplishment. Getting pregnant is not an accomplishment. Seriously. If it can be done by accident, something tells me it's not entirely praiseworthy. "Whoops! I got a perfect score on my biology test!"
Beyond my loathing of children, is my loathing of parents who think of themselves king/queen sh*t because they successfully had sex. Let me put the answers in very succinct terms:
- No, I don't care about how old your kid is.
- No, your kid is not cute.
- No, pregnancy is not beautiful at all. And for men who say they've never been more turned on by their wives until they were pregnant are probably men who weren't getting any sex from their wives until her hormones clicked on 6 weeks in to being pregnant.
- No, I don't intend to have kids of my own.
- No, I don't care if "it's different when they're my own".
- No, your kid doesn't have ADHD, he's just stupid.
Of course who am I to nay say this whole time. Lemme turn this ship around:
- Yes, I unfriended you on Facebook because you changed your profile picture to a close up face shot of your ugly offspring.
- Yes, I firmly believe that parents who don't have their children vaccinated are completely retarded.
- Yes, people should be required to get a license to breed. Kind of a bigger thing then driving a car right?
- Yes, I think breastfeeding is an abomination. And if you even get started on the whole "natural" arguement, I will take a sh*t right here on the ground in front of you. I mean it's natural right?
- Yes, you will pee, puke, poop, and fart in a room of complete strangers during childbirth (read: yeah, not a beautiful thing).
- Yes, were I ever stupid enough to knock someone up, my a$$ would be in the waiting room during delivery.
I've said it all too often, but the more I complain about it, the more I'm seeing a trend. This country is getting a bit too soft. Why? Probably because there is increasingly heavy focus placed on having kids, having a family, blah blah blah. So much to the point where now policies and legislation is becoming almost parent driven. Even the military provides for more benefits for the married and parents.
Not that I'm bitter, but yeah, you're kids look stupid.
14 March, 2011
Now You're Just Making Me Jealous....
Getting ready to spend the next two days doing alot of travelling for work. And while it's not flying, I still can't really be stoked about not being in my office, just thinking about how my inboxes will be overflowing with "job security" upon my return.
But at least one good thing? At least I'm not going to Iraq. I found in the two times I flew over and two times I flew back, that patience is something I apparently have limitless amounts of. Hours and hours on a single flight, waiting in Kuwait for what I can't even remember, and sitting on a tarmac for hours just waiting for a plane to arrive.
Iraq aside though, I really wish I could just have a job where I do work like George Jetson. Just go to my office everyday, not supervise anyone, make moderately good pay, and press a button every now and again. Provided I wouldn't want the a-hole boss that he did (Mr. Spacely?), but I would just want a job where I can do my work from 9 to 5, Monday through Friday. End of story. Suffice to say, no bloggity-blog for the next two days at least, as I will be enduring an unholy gauntlet of meetings and meet-and-greets. BLECH.
And as for the picture at the top, seriously, how the hell hot is that?? I'd like to know what lottery I need to win to be the bologna in an Amy Lee and Emilie Autumn sandwich???
09 March, 2011
Could Have Had A V-8

There are reasons I miss my old job working at a steak house during college (Bonanza). One of the biggest reasons is that I just had to show up, hermit it up in the kitchen for 8-12 hours, then go home. Didn't supervise anyone, didn't deal with customers...it was awesome. Unfortunately, I don't think I could live off the slave wages I was making then ($4.25 an hour...no seriously, that was minimum wage).
My education and experience have the unfortunate issue of screaming leadership despite the fact that sometimes I seriously don't enjoy it. Doing the HR thing was a bit better because HR personnel are considered "non-supervisory management". Which means you stilll get to corral behavior and pontificate policy, but you don't actually directly supervise anyone. But the downside of HR is that insurance just gets to be lame, and you get to deal with about 99.9% of your organizations drama.
In all honesty my dream job? Edit porn. It's a job I could do from home, enjoy some porn, get to be creative by putting in hopefully non-cheesy sound tracks, and most importantly, only supervise the finished product. That just got you thinkin' about porn too huh? Mission accomplished.
Pr0n is teh b3st.
08 March, 2011
I Need Some F**king Friends

06 March, 2011
Azurael's (Newest) Top 5

04 March, 2011
"It's Alittle Early To Be Gettin' Boozy Ain't It?"

I then think about at what point I truly began to really appreciate booze. At first, when I got my first bottle of sh*tty Smirnoff vodka from my coworkers for a 16th birthday present, it was exciting to hid it, and simply nip off it now and again. Fast forward to today, and it's immediately beer o'clock if I've had a day that isn't so good.
I think my drinking really hit it's peak after I left the Army and went to work as a store manager in training at f*cking Kmart (F*CK YOU KMART). Not only was I doing an unholy, easily hatable job....I was also, well, a manager at f*cking Kmart. (FYI. I typically Kmart as a bad word, and generally tend to preceed Kmart with any deliniation of the word f*ck). I think I was rollin' with about a fifth of UV Vodka every night after work, and let me tell you....the only thing worse than working retail during Christmas is working retail during Christmas while hungover. F*cking Kmart really increased my profound hatred for mankind.
One of the things I've discovered about my ability to drink is that I go from zero to blackout pretty quick. Gone are the days where I can be rip roaringly drink and remember it. So now, I'm mostly partial to light beers and ales (although Harp gives me a pretty unholy hangover). Don't get me wrong, I slurp on some Bushmills at any time possible, but that on the same note, is also the reason I don't keep hard alcohol in the house.
I understand that many people in the counseling and psychotherapy field view getting buzzed/drunk on a daily basis as "self-medicating" and generally frown upon the whole process. But going to be honest, when you've had half the sh*t jobs I've had, pretty much the only way to get through the day is dreaming of your first visceral beer belch (and hopefully some tasty wings to accompany said belch).
03 March, 2011
"Seriously, I Have Shackles In The Back...."

Gray Sweatsuits - Nothing screams "I am so ashamed of my body" like a matched top and bottom in the baggiest material known to man. Anytime I see people wearing garbage like this, I have flashbacks to my awkward Junior High track days. Then I have images of said sweatsuit being stained with gravy, and not having been washed in weeks. Again, some people might need to wear this, but overall just unacceptable. If my pale a$$ legs can sport a pair of shorts, you can do better then this outfit made of blankets. Verdict: Not Okay

I could prattle on more about the gym, unfortunately, blogger doesn't lend itself well to adding additional pictures, so that's the end of that. Back to the grind as it were.