There are reasons I miss my old job working at a steak house during college (Bonanza). One of the biggest reasons is that I just had to show up, hermit it up in the kitchen for 8-12 hours, then go home. Didn't supervise anyone, didn't deal with customers...it was awesome. Unfortunately, I don't think I could live off the slave wages I was making then ($4.25 an hour...no seriously, that was minimum wage).
My education and experience have the unfortunate issue of screaming leadership despite the fact that sometimes I seriously don't enjoy it. Doing the HR thing was a bit better because HR personnel are considered "non-supervisory management". Which means you stilll get to corral behavior and pontificate policy, but you don't actually directly supervise anyone. But the downside of HR is that insurance just gets to be lame, and you get to deal with about 99.9% of your organizations drama.
In all honesty my dream job? Edit porn. It's a job I could do from home, enjoy some porn, get to be creative by putting in hopefully non-cheesy sound tracks, and most importantly, only supervise the finished product. That just got you thinkin' about porn too huh? Mission accomplished.
Pr0n is teh b3st.
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