09 August, 2013

So We're Doing This Again Are We?

End of week 3 and I'm beginning to wonder what I've gotten myself into job wise. Don't get me wrong, everyone including my boss is awesome and I can't really complain about the schedule or the environment. The pickle here is that the person who had the job before me apparently has done NOTHING in the past 6-8 months.

The battle cry since I started in with my "new-guy" questions is "where's the policy for that"? No policy. Anywhere. Whatsoever. And the "policy binder", is actually, a giant three ring binder full of one page "policies" which only say nicey-nicey things about what the intent of it is. And apparently it hasn't been updated in a while because it's printed on what I can only assume is a dot matrix, and signed by John Hancock.

Why is it every time I walk into a new position, it's always the same story. Everything that governs my job is extremely out of date, there are filing cabinets of shit that date back to pre-WWII, and everyone operates under the flag of "it was that way when I got here".

Sooo there's that....

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