24 September, 2013

Stop With The Hero Shit

fig. 1-1 Trying so hard to care....still don't.
  So at the risk of having to deal with politics, just like the piss poor of an excuse Lt. Watada, let's talk about Snowden.
  All sorts or people (read: stinky hippies, crazy-ass conspiracy theorists, and anti-vaccine wackos) are claiming that Snowden is a hero. For the basic fact that he disclosed certain government secrets that may or may not infringe on the rights of the American people.
  People who think this guy is some sort of a martyr need to get over themselves and get back to reality. In the grand scheme of things, yes, the government may be reading your emails via computer and looking into your records and whatnot, but seriously, who the fuck cares? If your life is as mundane as mine, yeah, the NSA might find out that I check my Facebook entirely too much, I send pictures of LOL cats to everyone I know, and yeah, I receive regular (however, old, and unwanted) porn website updates to stuff that would make your head explode. If they want to find out that I have a shell of a social life and watch porn on occasion, then so be it! I don't think the Men In Black are going to come busting down my door if I use the word "bomb" in an email.
  People that honestly think the government is going to take viable action against innocent citizens are the same kind that think that any kind of gun control will mean the government will come to your door and take the guns out of your hands. Fuck no they won't. The government is too busy stepping all over their cocks to even think about doing something like this.
  And furthermore, in the absolute worst case scenario in which the government did conduct an arrest based soley on an email for anything other than definitive terrorist plots or plans, wouldn't someone think to ask where they got the evidence which is required prior to a search/arrest warrant?
  To build on this, it's the same people that hate traffic cameras or even public security cameras on street corners because they "feel it infringes on their rights to privacy". Uh. no. It doesn't. Rule of privacy is anywhere you can reasonably rub one out and not be arrested for doing so in that location. That's privacy. The instant your foot hits the sidewalk, you belong to the public. Same rule as garbage. Once that shit hits the street, you have "relinquished control" of it, and all your nudie mags in it are fair game.
  Furthermore, once you send an email, or make a phone call, those signals, other than going through your IP service provider, are indirectly being sent into OUTER-FUCKING-SPACE. While I understand the idea behind "privacy on the Internet", the bottom line is, there is ZERO privacy on the Internet, and should be accepted as so.
 But again, all your boring emails, your Internet history, your cell phone calls, your texts, etc.etc.etc. The Government could give two shits about all of this. And for God's sake, it's not like there's a giant room full of people somewhere in the desert literally reading every email that gets sent. That's not how it works. Government ain't going to arrest you for an email, they aren't going to take your precious guns, and they don't give a shit about you sending a lol cat to a friend. Your life isn't that interesting, get over it.
  So back to Snowden. So he sent information about a Government program to Wikileaks, and suddenly he is elevated to "hero" status. What this spineless piece of shit did was not only violate his security clearance and the oath of confidentiality he took as a contractor, he also inadvertently (or advertently) shit on the Country by airing our dirty laundry to an International intelligence board. And at the very least, instead of doing the honorable thing and sticking around for his day in court, he stuck his tail between his legs, and went scurrying off to Russia where he lived in a fucking airport like a hobo. Yeah. That's real "hero" material there. At no point did this man exude any semblance of bravery in what he did. He didn't "whistle blow" to the proper channels, he didn't make a stand to face his day in court, and worst off, he sold out our bad shit to the International Community. He handing over intelligence just like Benedict Arnold did 200+ years ago, and ran away.
Yeah, real fucking hero. Anyone that idolizes this pile of crap needs to seriously rethink their definition of the word "hero".

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