Justin Bieber standing side by side with his dad, after getting "Jesus" tattooed on their sides in Hebrew. There is so much wrong with this pictures, I'm just going to drop the fail bomb in bullet style format:
1) Dude, Justin, between you and me. You just standing there with your shirtless father...kinda looking a bit gay yo. Take your hand off his shoulder.
2) Does your dad play the flute? Tell him soul patches are the earmark of douche.
3) I find it disturbing that both of you have the EXACT same body definition.
4) Seriously...take your hand off his shoulder.
5) And finally, for every douche in the world (starting with you and daddy dearest) who gets a tattoo to show their "love of Jesus/God/deity of choice"
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own" (1 Corinthians 6:19)
- You know what this means winners? If you're so stoked to prove your loyality to God, you're kinda screwing it up by marking up the temple of the Spirit with Hebrew, or Chinese, or whatever the fuck language you find fashionable at the time. If you're going to physically espouse your religious beliefs all over your body, at least take the time to read the fucking user's manual first.
Bieber, stop being weird with your dad, and get on the Wheel. Hebrew? Really?
You're family's German fuckface...here's your Coat of Arms:

Hello, I've been reading your blog for a while, just wanted to say I really enjoy your blog, always makes me chuckle :)
Yay for readers! :)
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