Both genders have their flaws. Guys are positively no better than women. The fun thing about how each gender sucks is that they suck in completely different ways. Guys tend to be abrasive, insensitive dicks. But that's a different blog entry.
I read this article and thought it was mildly amusing because it basically reinforces that guys need "dude time", or else bad things result. It's funnier because it indirectly sheds light on the fact that women do tend to step between dudes and their friends.
Yes, this is the part of the entry where I come off like a misogynistic freak.
As I pointed out, genders tend to suck in their own way. Where guys are complete douche bags, women tend to be mindlessly controlling and for some reason can ultimately end up believing they're your 2nd mother.
One of the most eye opening things I've heard in a while (and subsequently forgot who said) is that "women will always push their values on you". The more I thought about it, the more I tied it to the nature of nagging that some (not all, so put the torches and pitchforks down) women ultimately end up going to.
From the "you're going out with your friends again" whine to the "how many times do I need to tell you to use a dryer sheet" flame.
Look, just because we're in a relationship doesn't mean my friends take a backseat to you. And if I'm going to so far as to doing the laundry, I'm doing it the way I do laundry. I don't want my shirts and drawers smelling like sunshine and meadows of daisies. You don't like the dryer-sheet-free laundry? You do it.
I've had several friends now that once married, were completely cutoff from all society. And it's never a brazen proclamation by the woman saying "you are now my bitch! Grab my beltloop!" It's typically through a system of nagging and guilting. One friend I had for instance, for the duration of a 3 to 4 hour night we'd be out drinking, would result in him getting at least 2 calls from his wife, and approximately 20 text messages.
Again, I caveat...not all women. But a goooood percentage of them are, at least from my foxhole. So the message is this. We as guys need our dude time, and if you attempt to step between us and our friends, you will be painted in a very negative (and probably fairly so) light. If you want us to do chores, you don't get to set the standard as to how they will be done, because nobody made you Queen shit on how to do dishes. And for God's sake, every man has a mother, we don't need two of them.
Sorry, I think the best caveat would be to delete this post.
I know that you do not mean to be misogynist, but, that is how you sound. It might have worked better if you expanded the second to last paragraph, giving your readers concrete examples of the behavior you dislike, instead of generalizing.
Saying you are NOT talking about "all women" just "virtually all" of the women you know... I mean... It DOES sound like you mean all women.
Both genders can be-- and are-- controlling and insensitive. Women also need time with their friends. (And, sometimes, the men in their lives resent that).
As I said before, I know that you don't want to sound bad, but sadly, you do. It sounds like you've watched too many sexist movies and have absorbed them uncritically.
I did mean to sound alittle bad, but no...can't blame media for this one. This is based on what I've seen and experienced.
Delete this post? Never. :)
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