I've checked around the Blogosphere, and I can't really find where any one from my generation is calling it, so I'm calling it. MTV...you have failed miserably as the "counterculture" of television programming, and I'm declaring you lame. So lame that I'd punch out your stupid moon man on the sidewalk out of sheer anger and crap in his oxygen tank.
The reason I'm tossing the gauntlet down was brought to a head over the past 72 hours where I couldn't watch tv on several channels because they had one of those awesome ads that hangs out on your tv screen during your entire show, and takes up approximately 1/5th of the screen. Constantly reminding us that the VMA's are coming up and who all is going to perform at it. Woo hoo. Can I please watch tv on VH1 and not be reminded of the VMA's that will be shown on MTV (VH1...you f**king sell outs).
As predicted, the VMA's were "stolen" by Britney Spears, most likely after her wrist-cutting performance at last years show. This is MTV not only trying to make nicey-nice and saving her from imploding due to piles of self doubt and epic failure, but also MTV exec's attempting to craft her as the 100 to 1 odd comeback marvel that she will inevitably fail to become...because she still nuts, she not jail bait any more, and she's a horrible parent.
As for the "host" (aka Dr. Epic British Fail) Russell Brand. This no talent hack only confirmed that what they find funny in Britain, is not, by any stretch of the imagination, drunk or not, high or not, insane or not, funny in the absolute least. At top of the fact that he openly pronounced that he was going to sodomize a teenage boy band, the dude looks like a drag queen with 5 o clock shadow. He thinks he's funny, but he's actually just a walking, breathing tribute to every joke that man has told and screwed up the punch line, since the beginning of time. Get on the wheel Russell! You're f**king clown shoes!
And MTV....ah yes MTV...the bastion for such "gems" (aka giant heaving piles of hateful insults to humanities purpose for being) like Tila Tequila, The Hills, My Super Sweet 16, Next, and Making the Band....it's funny to think that this channel initially started with the intent to support music for the generation that's empowering it. Now the audience they're targeting probably doesn't know what "MTV" stands for, nonetheless what it used to represent. No dumb blondes attempting to look good on reality shows back in the day, nor (fake) lesbians holding "who's the biggest whore contest" on MTV (yes Tila, I'm talking about you, you human hand wash), and definitely no Road Rules/Real Life crap. They should just go ahead and change the name to RTV (R=reality) and stop the lie. Matt Pinfield should start his own channel...that's the only guy that still has some spine from that group.
I can remember shortly after MTV began it's horrific zombie transformation over from all music to all reality shows. It had some snippy commercial that said "If you want music videos, you still have MTV2, so stop your whining". Hmm....okay children...let's go down that road shall we?
The History of MTV2 is a rather abrupt one, and as you'll see if you click on that link that it was infected rather quickly by the same rating grubbing d-bags that run MTV. Music videos on MTV2 you say? Well, let me just click over to MTV2's site and check the channel listings for today.....
hmm, From G's to Gents,
Run's House, Rob and Big, a 2 hour block of Pimp My Ride, then back to more G's to Gents. Bravo! This is where I can find all my music video needs...oh wait...the "Elite 8" is on from 7 to 8 pm....I guess that's the music videos they were talking about.
My hatred of MTV/MTV2 is anchored in my same hatred of such things like why Disney now has commercials (that's right kids, it didn't used to), or why there's commercials before the movies at the theatres....or even why when I'm reading a news article on
MSN and a giant half screen ad pops up and I can't find the "close" icon so I'm forced to see how great some car I'll never buy is.....it's all about chasing the dollar. Now I know that businesses are entitled to make a profit, I got that....but if you're built to waive the flag of the non-conformist age group (MTV), when you go and sell your soul to crappy but highly viewed shows, you're cashing in your
credability. When you go and advertise on a rival station (
VH1...you a$$ clowns), you're REALLY suck.
I guess I could draw this beating to a close in saying the Video Music Awards are hosted by MTV every year...but in order to have this awards, don't you have to play music videos? Or are back-to-back episodes of The Hills supposed to do that for us?
F**king sell outs.