Case #1 - A woman who was arrested for 1st Degree murder for killing her husband, who was convicted of Voluntary Manslaughter apparently is allowed to have her kids. Let me type this again just incase the stupidity is too hard to eat (which it is for most intelligent beings). A woman, who shot her husband, in the back, by "accident" has been given full custody of her kids. What? Not just what, I mean f**king WHAT? Really?? If you're going to throw down the fact that she suffered "years of mental and emotional abuse" that lead her to "accidently" killing her husband, that sh*t just doesn't go away when the victimizer does. Had the genders been reversed, this b.s. never would have happened.
Case #2 - A woman who spent 32 years on the lam, became a mother (which the article points out alot), and got arrested received no additional time in jail for a jail break. The article prattles on about how she's been "a good person" and lead a "productive life" (I still disagree that having children in and of itself is "productive") and honestly, I don't give a rats a$$ that she has "three children at home that need her"). No no no. She's an escaped felon that has a jail cell that needs her. Again, I've read countless articles where escaped convicts (mostly men, as it goes with statistics) who get caught ages down the road usually get additional time. Despite the fact that she's been living fraudulently (hmmm, no charges for that either??), apparently she's allowed a pass because she's been keeping her nose clean (not because she wanted to be a good person, but probably because it's easier to not get caught when you're not screwing up).
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