Just when I think sh*t cannot get any more unbelievable, this kind of f**ked up mess happens. San Franciso, a city that I normally would associate with freedom of choice, has decided that the only way to curb childhood obesity, is to just ban Happy Meals, through the clever targeting of the toys which are usually the best part of it (because let's face it, the burger is always cold and a bit soggy...gross). So now, this new legislation states:
"In order to include a toy with purchase, these new, unhappier meals must meet a checklist of nutritional requirements (PDF):
• The meal can't exceed 600 calories• Less than 35 percent of the calories can come from fat (nuts, nut butters, low-fat cheese excepted)• It's required to have a half cup of vegetables• Breakfast meals are required to have a half cup of fruit• Sodium limits• A multigrain requirement"
• The meal can't exceed 600 calories• Less than 35 percent of the calories can come from fat (nuts, nut butters, low-fat cheese excepted)• It's required to have a half cup of vegetables• Breakfast meals are required to have a half cup of fruit• Sodium limits• A multigrain requirement"
Ahem...allow me to climb on my desk for this response. HALF A CUP OF F**KING VEGETABLES??? And can't exceed 600 calories?? My morning dump consists of AT LEAST 1000 calories.
It's funny. My intense hatred of obese people consistantly requires me to review all the research and findings on what is causing this nationwide. Nowhere, have I seen that McDonald's is exclusively responsible for the fattening of children. Other than that a$$hole that decided to eat fast food for 30 days in a row (which is obviously f*cking stupid to begin with), there has been no reason to fire these rounds down on McDonald's.
Furthermore, shouldn't legislation be targeted at the dead-beat f*cking parents who take their kids to McDonald's everyday to begin with? The kids certainly don't have the income to waltz over and order a triple cheeseburger.
So now that parents don't want to do their job anymore, they're punishing the majority by simply changing the rules because it's apparently easier. This is a the same sh*t that ruined getting my food super sized.
My recommendation? It is what it has always been, people should be required to get a license before breeding. Why? Because it's pretty f*cking obvious that people aren't prepared to be in charge of another human being.
All the parents who arn't fit to be parents, GET ON THE WHEEL. As for me, I'm going to send a message by eating a Bacon Ultimate Cheeseburger, smoke a cigarette, and pound a bottle of wine.
Olá!Vim conhecer seu espaço e adorei!Bjs
What? :D
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