Caveat: I would have posted Bjork's "Army of Me" video, but that hot mess was waaaaaay too weird for even me.
While I have absolutely no claim to state that I have multiple personality disorder, I do like to think of my being as being made up of many different consciousnesses. Alot of people that know me would describe my behavior and who I am as an "enigma". While I'm still trying to decide whether this is a good thing or not is still up in the air, I do take comfort in knowing I can really go many directions at any given time.
The following is Azurael in a nutshell:
My Inner Child

My Absurd Kinky One

This feisty minx has a tendency to pop up at alllllll the wrong times. I'm not sure why or where it came from, but since I can remember, I've always been partial to the very exciting, and sometimes very wrong, twist on the act of "loooove making". Although not everything I've done I'm proud of, I do take pride in having her with me...because this way nobody can EVER accuse me of being some vanilla-a$$ed prude.
My Seether

My Drag Queen (aka "Virginity Steele")

The Soldier (Caveat: "Old Army")

The Logic

The Gamer

The Romantic

The Poet

The Self Destructor

My Insanity