As found on this news link, Army Spc. Alexis Hutchinson is just another "soldier" to add to the growing list of f*cking cowards who hide behind their children in lieu of going to war. The article states that she couldn't deploy because her mother "backed out at the last minute" from taking care of the kid, but I don't buy that bs for a second. Why? Because I've heard this excuse a billion times over.
The Army functions like this. If a soldier who is a single parent is unable to deploy due to having a child that noone else can care for, it's called being discharged for failure to have a family care plan. This "soldier" had a family care plan, until she was called to deploy, then for some reason it convienently went away.
Even moreso, to call the day of and state you're not deploying, can you be f*cking serious?? By any other means, that is a sheer act of cowardice, which is ONLY topped by the fact that she's using her bastard son as a reason for it.
This oxygen thief is an absolute slap in the face to all the soldiers who are forced to leave their families behind and deploy for the GOOD OF THEIR FELLOW SOLDIER. She isn't good enough to pick up the sh*t the military dogs leave behind.
I think she just disgraced all the women who serve in our armed forces. Women demanded to be treated equally in the service, yet a great deal of service women do things similar to this. It saddens me.
Well said Sh2nn0n. :) Well said.
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