Despite the fact the move-in cost will be unholy at best, once I've recovered my security deposit from the other place, I pretty much know I'm going to logon to ThinkGeek.com and go completely hog wild. Although I'm not a materialist per se, I do enjoy pointless little gadgets that glow and just waste time. I'm always a sucker for buttons, lights, and pointless functions....big emphasis on pointless. Not like "pet rock" pointless, more like "wacky wall crawler" pointless.\
Beyond this, were I a lotter winner and moving into a house, I would have a "Nerd Fortress". This would be hidden behind either a staircase or bookshelf, and would be immaculate. In said "Nerd Fortress", I would have the following:
- A most awesome gaming station (courtesy of bornrich.org)
- A GIANT personal bar with every Vodka manufactured.
- A waitstaff of nerdy chicks hired from the finest Comic Book Conventions in the world.
-And crates of Hostess products delivered monthly.
Now if I could just get that lottery thing done.
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