Issues involving lack of foresight, or even the function use of common sense, are pretty much the giant things that drive me to drink. The following seem to be those little "forehead-flickers" that seem to want me to crack open a bottle of vodka right now:
** "F$%k science...I'm scared!" - So a big ol' team of scientists want to prevent the worlds largest particle smasher from firing, all because they don't know what it'll do. Uh...excuse me dumba$$es, isn't that the idea behind research? I find it really hard to believe that scientists themselves want to stop research because it has the 0.0000000001% chance of being remotely harmful. If you look back in history, the most dangerous and frightening experiences have yielded tomes of information.
Scared Researcher - "But what if we create a microscopic black hole!"
Look meatball, I'm not by any means an astrophysicist, but I know somewhat based on this (go to number 8)...it would takes many, many, many years for a microscopic black hole to accrue enough mass to consume anything, let alone an entire planet.
And you know what? If we do go ahead with the research and blow a giant hole into the Earth, oh well! Because the odds that we'll advance light years in science for this over the tiny possibility we'll be reduced to a rubble pile is totally worth it. You wait until it's actually built, then you decide to stop it? Come on!
** "I know its been 200 years, but we're doing this all wrong" - Let me start off by saying in no way am I not sympathetic to the plight of blind people. I believe to be without sight is truely a situation where a person has been robbed of the ability to live their life to the fullest.
I'm not again developing devices to help the blind, nor am I against change of any sort, but when you talk about restructuring the entire US Currency system for what I've found to be a couple hundred thousand Americans? Dude. The cost alone associated with creating different bills or embedding braile could be staggering to say the least.
IRONICALLY - The lawsuit to against the Department of Treasury was spearheaded by the
American Council Of The Blind, whose webpages are mostly written in red. So I guess the halfling color-blinded just don't count huh?
** "The Geneva Convention apparently protects books too...." - This is the absolute essence of why I left the Army when I did. When a Soldier is going to stand trial for decimating a book...not even a relic of historical value (i.e. The Constitution or The Dead Sea Scrolls), but a book he literally could have bought at Walden Books 10 minutes before he shot it up, this Country has just abandoned its own fighting force.
So let me get this straight, you (because I sure as hell didn't) apologised to an entire country because one of our Soldiers shot a book up? Really? Since when did Iraq become the emissary for an entire religion? Had it been a Bible, would we still have apologised? Remember, there are Christians in Iraq.
Of course we wouldn't have. Our Army has become so politically whipped and controlled, that I'm not suprised if eventually policies will be put in place requiring that all male Soldiers arn't allowed to shave anymore. I am POSITIVE that Soldiers over there are fuming pissed about this right now.
This is why we're not winning the war. Politics has deconstructed a machine that was built with the intent to fight and win wars (the actually mission of the Army). Not f#(king walk on egg shells around religious and local observations. The instant a Soldier loses the ability to function in whatever means necessary to win a war, you've already truncated it's ability to fight, which means we'll lose.
Seriously...when will female Soldiers start wearing burkas? I'm just watchin' the clock.
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