It involves sunlight. I really don't like sunlight. It's difficult to see on a clear day, sunburns suck, you can't play baseball, etc.etc.etc. For whatever reason, I'm just the kind of person that prefers overcast and living in places that receive little to no direct sunlight. I'm usually immediately accused of having some form of vampirism when this fact comes out, but I gave up the whole "goth" thing years ago.
This became painfully obvious when I lived with a roommate in college who LOVED light. During the day, he'd open all the shades, and at night, he'd have every light on in the apartment. I swear when I came home from work, there was essentially a laser beam shooting out of the peep hole in the door. I would then proceed with the routine of entering and turning off every light in the apartment except for the one at the computer desk where he was usually parked.
I'm now in a bit of a pickle because at the end of this weekend, I'll be moving to an apartment with more space and more windows. Further more, unlike my current cave dwelling, some of these windows actually face direct sunlight. So the plan is either to get really thick blinds, or to reinforce my nerd cave (spare bedroom that will be a gaming room) with heavy blinds, refridgerator, and toilet. This way I can keep out of the rays way. Bizarre? Maybe.
As much as my behavior may confuse people, I'm equally confused by the people here in Seattle that go flocking to the "beach" (it's not a beach if you can see the other side of the body of water) when the sun shows itself for the first time in 8 months. I understand that on nice days, people want to go out and air off. But this weird need to be out "sunning" all the time just confuses the hades out of me. Especially in light of melanoma and people that look like dried up, burlap sacks by the time they're 30 because they've had too much sun. Although the idea behind tans alone also confuses me, it's everyone's justification to "get out of the house", just so they can lay back down under the sun.
My ideal house is 10,000 square foot bomb shelter. Hell yea!