Harp Lager is to me as though you took that "Hallelujah" song, found a way to condense it into a liquid, and had it bottled by Amy Lee herself. It's tastiness and appeal is further compounded because not only is it waaaay better out of the tap, it's almost impossible to find except for a few select Irish pubs in and about Seattle. This beer, in my book, trumps all other beers without question, and I'll always choose this over anything else, any day.
That being said, I can go on to say this. Yesterday was St. Patrick's day. I celebrate this (but don't go buck wild) because I am a bit Irish on my father's side. I was talked into heading to a bar yesterday for happy hour. After being told it had 160 Beers On Tap, and Harp being one of them, I was sold. "One hundred and sixty?" I thought, "with that much beer, I bet that have enough backstock of Harp not to worry about the St. Patrick's day rush".
No sooner then two beers into happy hour, I was informed they were "out" of Harp. Looking immediately between the time on my watch and the fact that all the waiters were wearing goofy-f#$king clover and/or beer shaped hats, I pondered how this could be possible. How can I be at place that boasts having an almost unrivaled beer selection, ON Saint Patricks day, be out of the one of the three Irish beers??? (Guiness and New Castle being the other two).
Suffice to say, that's where my drinking came to an end. And with a broken washing machine capping off my night, I'd say yesterday was a pretty awesome.
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