I caveat with saying I'm not deep into music. True I played the piano but only when I was forced to, I dropped my Music Appreciation class in college, and I cannot stand such "music greats" as the Beatles, U2, and Lynard Skynard. I don't reasearch and memorize who bands are, their histories, or where they come from. Hell, most of the time I don't even know the names of the songs. However, I can say that I do recognize talent when I hear it.
Chevelle is good for several unusal reasons. First and foremost, the band looks like a couple of gents you'd sit next to at a bar with, or go play poker with on a Friday night. They're not fanatical or tattoo with some image to maintain. They honestly look like they just got out of class and they're on their way home.
Secondly, their musical range is diverse, but not all over the place. They don't do the Metallica thing (please don't sue me Lars) and have a CD compiled with both speed metal and slow dance songs (LAAAAAAMO), or attempt to capture every sound under the sun. Most of their music is in the realm of "a big group of slow walking angry guys" or "bar fight music".
Finally, the biggest asset is the lead singer. He has a very wide vocal range, and his ability to sing while screaming (in a limited manner) is a very rare find indeed, and prevents the "cookie monster" lyrics that have made such bands as Static-X notorious for (no offense guys, you still rock). His ability to harmonize is also very well versed. Having these guys go duo with possibly a female band (I think he'd counter Cristina Scabbia of Lacuna Coil well) would just be the bomb.
"But Azureal, I heard these guys are a Christan band". I don't know if this is true or not, but I really doubt it, and I honestly don't care. I'm pretty positive when I hear "God bands" because they all have those long guitar riffs and the almost wall climbing, weepy vocals (12 Stones you bastards...holy crap did you trick me). Blech. Chevelle is nothing of this sort.
Chevelle, the "we're-gonna-have-your-back-in-a-fight" heros!
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