On the forefront of my mind is pretty much hoping I don't end up careeing off the road into a ditch tomorrow on my quest to go home.
Here's to ya!
My own bubble of cyber space to inscribe my less-then-conventional thought patterns as they arise.
So many people say "if I ruled the world", but usually only at a time when they're getting pissed off about something (i.e. traffic jams, taxes). I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that's seriously thought about how I'd run a country (not the world because who seriously wants to handle that mess?). While I really don't have the time during my blogging time to write out entire levels of government and exacting laws, I can put down bullets of information about the general gist of "Azurael Land".
National Budget
- No foreign country gets any monetary aid until we fix our own crap.
- Senators & Congressmen cannot approve their own raises.
- A National Lottery will be implimented, and only those with a yearly income of less then $70,000 can compete.
- Universities and colleges will be monitored by the state, and cannot increase enrollment fees except to compensate for inflation.
- Schools who participate in team sports will receive no state or federal funds. Only schools that foster individual sports will receive support.
- All funds freed up from the pit that is team sports will be reinvested into teacher's pay, teaching materials, and after school programs.
- Any teacher or group that strikes will have their teaching certificate revoked permanently. You do not become a teacher to get rich.
- In order to receive citizen status, all individuals will be required to serve 2 years in any branch of the military.
- Those who do not serve are not allowed to vote, buy alcohol, work for the government, receive any monetary aid from the government, or breed.
- During times of war fighting organized militaries, the Geneva Convention will be strictly enforced.
- During times of war fighting terrorists, the Geneva Convention will be completely ignored.
- The military will at all time keep giant stocks of napalm, flamethrowers, and Agent Orange.
- Juries will be comprised of professionals trained in criminal justice and understand the system and its quarks thoroughly. Unlike todays panel of complete idiots.
- In the evidence that video or DNA evidence can accurately identify the suspect, the suspect will be immediately sentanced and ineligible for appeals.
- All prisions will be maximum security & solitary confinement. They will also be located 1/2 mile below ground, and can be flooded in the event of a riot.
- All justice officials (i.e. police, judges, political figures) who commit crimes will be subject to double punishment.
- Pro-sports teams would not exist. Period.
- Individual sports would be encouraged.
- Abtract art will be considered disturbing the peace, and ticketed accordingly.
- Interpretive dance will be considered assault on each person who witnesses it.
- Jazz will be considered an atrocity.
---More to come later!
Whenever I'm asked a question about benefits or insurance I don't understand, I just counter with this.
So as noted last week, I had almost 100% triumphantly conquered enrolling an entire company by myself in several fields of benefits. I had that stomped flat today when I realized that I was sitting on the enrollment materials for a new life insurance carrier that arrived late last week. So now I'm playing the "hurry up and sign game" all over again. Gee whiz, thankfully it's something piddly like life insurance that I'm herding employees through the enrollment process.
On top of that, I learned something quirky about my cats. I learned that they now are familiar with the sound of my cell phone alarm I use to wake up in the morning. Typically set early morning so I can go to the gym, if I decide not to go and they hear it anyway, they usually end up kicking down the door and running all over me until I have no other choice then to get up.
This weekend is off to an awesome start. Ugh.
- Passenger of the vehicle has an intrinsic obligation to warn said operator of the vehicle when it is clear to proceed, merge, or otherwise turn to a location where the possibility of a collision may occur Remove 2 negative Karma Points
- There was no Mens Rea of myself in firing upon or through a minor in order to display discontent or anger towards the other operator of the vehicle. Further more, said display of finger will not only desensitive possible future operator to the rules of the road, it will also cement in her mind how her mother operated the vehicle incorrectly Remove 1 negative Karma Point
*So, I end up after all of it with negative 2 Karma points. I figure that's worth a parking ticket or a really bad cold sore.
So in light of recent, healthier changes to my diet, I stop from time to time and reflect on what my diet consisted of during the great Army days when I was working near around the clock and burning calories like no end.
I can remember one time after running 18.6 miles to get the coveted Germed Armed Forces Military Efficiency Badge, I ate an entire large pizza by myself and polished it off with a six pack. (Which for a 145 lb. guy at the time, that's pretty impressive)
Or another time when I ate almost three "Hungry Man" dinners. Talk about marketing irony.
That's why such things like cup o noodles and all other bite size sample foods (i.e. pizza rolls, pez) just piss me off. Why can't we make them enormous size? Jim Gaffigan brought up a good point about the industry size of ketchup packets. Why that much? It's never enough!
Anyway, I'm pretty much rambling because I've been kneedeep in insurance sign-ups here at work for going on two weeks. Might take a while to get my blogging mojo back.
Until then, I'll have the #6 large with a diet, no mustard!