24 August, 2010

Get Outta The Weeds!

So one of my bosses boss told my boss and I that we need to go to "first line supervisors training" because he believes out staff to be out of control.

Wait, let me get this straight, between my boss and I, we have over 50 years of leadership training, experience, and practical know how. This meatball, from what I understand, has about 4-5 years.

Really? Time for a new job!

03 August, 2010

You Have To Be F**king Kidding

I haven't really watched the news in a while, but I was pretty much floored (hard to do on a treadmill) when I saw that a Mosque has actually been approved to be built in the vicinity of Ground Zero.


Now I've reviewed the arguments that argue for building the Mosque. The usual "this is America" and "land of the free", and "freedom of religion", and the "oh so Timothy McVeigh was a Christian, should we not build churches..." and BLAH BLAH BLAH.

The bottom line is this. Islam is a violent belief structure. They believe that if you're a non-believer, you either need to convert or die.

Uh oh! Here comes the "Oh, but what about the Crusades" or "What about the Inquisition?". Yeah, that was in the Middle ages. Christianity is no longer a belief structure of violence, and even the base idea of it is that Christians accept all manners of thoughts and beliefs (except you f**king Scientologists). Islam is STILL practicing a method of violence in their belief structure. Last time I checked, we don't have a Christian equivalent of "fatwa".

So now the claim is that this Mosque will "bridge the gap" between religions. Yeah, because building a religious temple at the site which was destroyed by ALL extremists from that religion will cure the disagreement that has been going on for thousands of years.

Sure. Way to go New York City. Nice to know even you "hard asses" would bend over and take it like that.


So in this latest gem of news, Mrs. "Wormwhole-Baby-Cannon" has had her 19th kid, which now puts most Middle Eastern families to shame (despite the fact that usually it involves more than one wife to get to that total number of kids).

These psycho parents starting sh*tting babies after the first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. Then apparently they got God and decided that the more babies they could unexcusably bring into the world, the bigger their crowns would be.

Despite the fact that this last one was not only born premature, but riddled with health problems, this psycho-bitch has stated she welcomes the idea of continuing the new born diarrhea, probably until either she dies in child birth, or probably until she has another miscarriage. I'm not going to tell you which one I'm rooting for, but here's a hint. BOTH.