28 November, 2011
Man...Bachelorhood Blows...

23 November, 2011
Let's Talk About Karma
"Prussian Blue was a white nationalist pop pre-teen duo formed in early 2003 by the mother of Lynx Vaughan Gaede[1] and Lamb Lennon Gaede,[2] sororal twin girls born on June 30, 1992, in Bakersfield, California.[3] The twins referred to the Holocaust as a myth[4] and their group was described as racist and white supremacist in nature...."
"The band was named after the color Prussian blue. In an interview with Vice Magazine, the twins stated, "Part of our heritage is Prussian German. Also our eyes are blue, and Prussian Blue is just a really pretty color." They also remarked, "There is also the discussion of the lack of 'Prussian Blue' coloring (Zyklon B residue) in the so-called gas chambers in the concentration camps."
So yeah, couple of know-it-all pre-teen twins that are supposidely "brainwashed" from their parenting. Riiiiiggghhhhttt. My parents raised me a certain way, and I was already disagreeing with that shit by the time I was 10.
No sympathy. When I first heard about this pair of sisters, I was pissed. Then much to my delight, I found the following out about them today:
Lamb has struggled as well. She suffers from scoliosis and chronic back pain, as well as lack of appetite and intense emotional stress. During several of our conversations, she burst into tears as she agonized about how to balance her love for her mother with her desire to let the world know that the girls have moved on.
Approximately a year ago, Lamb and Lynx stumbled on a new treatment that they say has done wonders for many of these ailments.
“I have to say, marijuana saved my life,” Lynx told me. “I would probably be dead if I didn’t have it.” She discovered pot while recovering from her cancer treatments. She’d been prescribed morphine and OxyContin, which she quit cold turkey. One day when she was having a bout of nausea, a friend offered her a toke. She was reluctant at first. The girls’ biological father had been “a druggie” when they were young, Lynx said.
But the drug worked wonders, and soon Lynx became one of the first five minors to get a medical marijuana card in Montana. Now Lamb has one, too." Source
OH MY GRAVY. FINALLY, the giant three-assed beast that is Karma has swatted the shit out of people that need a good swattin'. One get's Cancer, and the other gets Scoliosis? Damn!
14 November, 2011
Welcome To My World...The World Of Full Blown Fucking Cynicism