An Airline decided to ban children from 1st class on long distance flights, and is looking to ban them on additional flights. First of all....YAY. Secondly, I think it's funny that the typical people that thought this was a bad decision on Facebook were people who have baby pictures as their profile pictures. While I'm not caffinated enough to go on my typical rants, I will simply say it's about godd*m time they finally did this. I've always thought of firing up my own business line of "children free" everything. Children free grocery stores, airlines, movie theaters, resturants, etc.etc.etc. We've gotten to the point in society where people put SO MUCH value and pride into their children, where it basically negates their own personal identities. Yes, I got the fact that you're a parent...but you're still a f*cking human capable of your own achievements and failures. Stop beating people about the head and shoulders about "children's rights", or I swear I'll slap you and feed a banana to that monkey you call a child.
Violent Video Games are safe (for now) from the crushing oppression of parents everywhere when a law in California attempted to ban the sale of violent video games. Being an avid gamer, and once having been a teenage boy, I think whoever thought up this law needs to get their panties unknotted and get with the real world. The supporters are most likely the same as the ones who disagree with the airline thing. They, for some reason think, this is an appropriate area for the government to step in and do their job. This would be the point where they say "violent games make kids violent" and yes I have read the research. But you know, movies do that. Hormones certainly do that (man puberty was rough), and for craps sake, it's a video game. Cartoons! Not real!
That's pretty much it for today! Like I said, the victories are too far and in between. But if victory means less babies and continued violent video games...well, I call it a win!!
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