Had to speak on workplace ethics today during a staff meeting. One of those futile topics that you learn that you can literally beat people about the head and shoulders with, but still, if people are going to screw up, it's just going in one ear and out the other.
Slept with my contacts in last night, that's always fun in the morning as I'm staggering around with my eyes swollen so bad I look like a mole person freshly up from the ground.
Might potentially go to the community ASL Night at the gay bar tonight. Not that I don't enjoy being the only straight guy at a gay bar, but I don't. So yeah....there's that.
Been seeing a shrink now for about a month. Waaaaay better than my previous shrink as he's less zen and more of "if you keep doing this, you're gonna die." It also helps that he has a doctorate in his profession, and not a glorified Master's degree. Detroit.
Been chronically missing my college job as a cook at a steakhouse to the point that I fantasize about winning the lottery, and spending a huge chunk of cash rebuilding to the inch the place I worked at. Only instead of staffing it with college kids, it'd be nothing but hot chicks. Kinda like Hooters, only I'd be sure not to get the dumb ones, and shorts would be strictly off limits around food.
A movie about Thor? Really? And who the f**k in Hollywood thought it's okay to redo Conan. So help me if there is ONE explosion in that, I will just lose it and burn the rest of California to the ground.
I think three giant Monster energy drinks a day will ultimately be bad for me. I think it's about time I switch back to coffee for a while.
Actually ran at the gym for the first time in many moons yesterday at the gym. Surprisingly I'm not that sore, and I didn't lose all that much speed. That being said, I was reminded all too much about how much I loathe people that walk on treadmills for 20 to 30 minutes at a pop.
Wow, I am caffeinated.
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