This Moron, LTC Terry Lakin, is refusing to accept Obama as the President and says he won't deploy because it's not a lawful order, believing that Obama was not born in the United States. AKA, this man is a f**king idiot who appears to be conveniently ducking out of going to war.
At what point did it become acceptable to openly commit an act of disobeying a order from a superior officer? In times of war, that's one of the few laws under military justice that is punishable by death.
And yes, if you read further on, he is the only Active Duty Medal of Honor winner. Well, he might as well take that thing off and cram it up his corn chute because he's just crapped all over it.
Way to go Colonel, I can now say I've seen cowardice all the way up the chain of command, to and through Field Grade Officers.