For Insane Dog Lovers - Just when you thought that the Snuggie couldn't be campy enough, they now make them for dogs. Before you go any further, please read that sentance again. This is comparably worse then people that dress their animals up. I mean really?
This biggest BS claim since someone said Pluto wasn't a planet - A Dr. Joan Luby (don't even get me started on the name) of Washington University in St. Louis is claiming that children as young as 3 years old can exhibit the symptoms of chronic depression. Fastforward completely through all the BS of this article to the part that reads "Previous research has suggested that rising numbers of preschoolers are taking psychiatric drugs, including Prozac, which is used to treat depression." Who the F**K is feeding children Prozac?! What doctor, nonetheless parent, would drug up a kid this young? Their brain isn't even fully developed yet and yet these morons have decided to start pumping their bodies full of drugs?? GOOD PLAN MORONS!
GIANT BRASS ONES - So despite the fact that Washington Mutual took the hugest dook known to the banking industry, the executives are actually suing to get MILLIONS in bonus that were listed to be paid in their employment agreements. These a-holes should be fortunate enough that the people that banked their didn't demand their head on a pike. Knowing someone who was a WaMu customer, yes, they did nickle and dime you to unholy hell. These executives probably need it anyway, in light of the fact that no self respecting bank would ever hire them. Greedy f**ks.
I'm sure there'll be more to come, because the faucet that pours dumb just never turns off.
The Snuggie is the greatest item of modern times. All will soon learn to appreciate its mighty power!
Thank you Snuggie Cult for just amplifying my point.
You're welcome...
I found your site while googling that bullshit duggar family.
Your blog made me laugh so much, kudos, kudos!
We aim to please! ;)
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