So if it wasn't transparent, I lost my job back in jolly ol' October when the company I was working in HR for was shut down. I wasn't too concerned that I wouldn't find a job because I have almost 2 years experience in HR plus I have a duel Master's Degree in HR Management and HR Development. On top of that, I literally have 10 years of leadership experience, starting when I was 19 back at the crappy steak house I worked at.
Since being layed off, I have literally applied to over 200 jobs in Human Resources and Office Management, and I have only yet had one walk in job interview. I interviewed for a job training managers to be managers. Now let me caveat that I have both education and actual experience in leading soldiers, as a platoon leader (33 soldiers) upto an operations officer in charge of 7 department heads and totally responsible for about 200+ soldiers and civilians. Who did they end up giving the job to? A middle aged mother of two with 11 years recruiting experience and ZERO years experience leading subordinates. Hmmm.
My theory is this. Men don't belong in HR. Of all of my friends I've spoken to, and looking at national averages, it appears that HR is dominated by women. So I'm probably sure that the jobs I am applying for, end up going to "middle aged women, with usually 2 kids, who started as an office manager or receptionist, who is 20 years a$$ deep in HR and office work".
Forget that I'm that I'm an ex-Army Captain, Caucasian male in my 20's who has a Masters level education and over a decade worth of leadership experience both in peace time and wartime settings. Not to forget I've written Army policy that required approval at a General Officer level, andI'm school trained in everything from crisis management to information and physical security.
I know, I know. The job should go to the "most experienced". However, there still is a train of thought that preaches that maybe introducing new blood and ideas to an organization might shake things up.
I honestly thought I was ready to get out of the Army 3 years back when I exited as a Captain with as much experience and education training as I had, but I was wrrroooooong. Honestly, I just want to know...who the french toast are getting these jobs???
So...what now shall I do? Hmm....
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