I have been on a "hiatus" if you will since losing my job back in October, feeling free not to blog because honestly, what would I blog about? How fun it is to do the same crap day in and day out, consistently wondering about if leaving the Army was a mistake in this crap hole economy?
Well, as surely as that giant boulder that chased Indy was roused from it's many years of slumber amidst large quaking, as am I forced to blog about what I have just seen.
Apparently marketing geniuses and the apparent waning of whatever is left in being good about being a MASCULINE MAN have teamed up to bring us "Mantyhose".
Yep, you guessed it, pantyhose for men, because apparently this is what men need for...well, I have no f**king idea. The article specifically names a guy, Mack, who apparently started off wearing women's pantyhose as a landscaper to keep warm. Hmmm...so far that's kind of acceptable, although I would sooner freeze to death then suffer such a humiliation.
However, now that this (unholy, demasculating, very drag queen esq, very border line transvestite) product has been introduced, he now says "... that he enjoys the fit and feel of the "mantyhose" so much that he wears them year-round, even though he now holds an office job."
Alright kids, lets go back to the basics of transvestism in all it's glory. Men who wear women's undergarments under their clothes DOES NOT EQUAL OKAY. This means that our friend Mack here is a classic, text book, transvestite. Even more so because it's also indicated in the article that his wife doesn't approve of it, so he must conceal his actions. The author has the big brass ones enough to write "(It is important to note that the trend has no connection to men who wear hose to cross-dress, since they prefer to wear pairs that are more feminine.)". WRONG. WRONG WRONG WRONG. Vidya Rao, you are WRONGO. As a person who spent most of his undergraduate research work studying fetishism, I can plainly tell you that you are without a doubt absolutely wrong in this quote (unless of course the manufacturer is paying you off, then you might be right).
Seriously, at what point in the culture of mankind did it become okay for men to no longer resemble men? At what point did society begin to say that it's fine that we begin to dilute what makes us men, be it for good or for bad. Eyebrow waxing, metro sexual, pointy toed shoes, pink shirts....f**k this kinda sh*t makes me crazy.
In summary:
- If I see any man wearing this on the street, I would be tempted to punch him in the face, but now he is officially a girl.
- You know this product is designed to turn men into women because it was developed in Europe.
- Mack, get on the f**king WHEEL.