In such, email often has an ebb and flow about it, meaning that somedays I'll get hammered with 30+ emails, and other days (like today), I'll get all of 10 emails.
I live for the busy days. Mostly for the fact that it helps me justify my existance, however, it also prevents me from looking at the clock every 5 minutes and just putting off going home in my head for what seems to be forever.
On slow days, I usually try to get to at least one "would-be-nice-to-do" project in the office, maybe read some HR related articles on current events, and have a tendancy to occasionally check the "Rants and Raves" section of Craigslist.
Slows days also make me curious to know how many other people doing the white collar 9 to 5 thing are facing this same issue on some days...
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