As I have always learned from my parents, a person will always know what is absolutely right by witnessing what is absolutely wrong. Shortend for leadership experiences, "you learn the most from a poor leader". This being said, allow me to cast off my HR title for a moment and briefly talk about female comedians.
In short, they're not funny. Ever. The one comedianne (sp?) that I will cite as being somewhat amusing is Sarah Silverman. However, the fact that she must consistantly pull on the "in-your-face-to-shock-you-humor" will not have the long lasting to get her show past the 2nd season. Just as in the case of South Park and Family Guy, people will adjust to this type of humor. But kudos to her, because she's the only one I can watch.
This is a disturbing trend in most female stand up. The heavy reliance on shocking statements or self-focused disses. The ever practical lead in "...so I'm a whore..." just really doesn't make alot of people laugh. All biology has it's limitation, and I'm going to be flagrently outward when I say women are limited in comedic genius. Doubt me? Here's some
proof. And further more, when has a joke told by a female during stand up made you fire a drink out your nose? Me? Never. Most people? I can tell you where my bet would be. A big, fat resounding never.
On to the hierarchy of those colossal women that are just not funny, but society hasn't heard enough of their loathesome garbage to get pissed off enough to stop them yet.
2nd In Command - Let me be completely blunt and obvious about this. The fact that you're raised Jewish, you're past your prime, you're huge (as in fat because you're certainly not successful), you can't score a date to save your life, and your parents give you hell, none of this combined will make you funny. We got the fact that you'd jump anything that moves because you've failed to take care of your body and your sense of self worth. Harsh? No. "In-my-face" comedy? No. Pitful excuse to ever be considered a role model? YES! (Note in the bio in her article, the heavy concentration on her being "harsh" and "dirty" - Then reference the aforementioned note)
Heir to the Throne - Never have I ever seen a comedian (except for a few mentionable prop comics) lean so heavily on ONE topic to keep their career afloat. Without bluntly destroying her tactic in place, I should instead say "gee, I wonder if she's Asian". Because she certainly doesn't already do a damn fine job of using that as a baseline for every joke she tells. She might as well just tell normal stories about her life, and complete each sentance with "...because I'm Asian". There is nothing notorious about this comedian except for her ability to bring about vomit in my throat every time I see her act. (Note in the bio she apparently has dabbled in belly dancing shows - am I the only person disturbed by the though of seeing a gut like hers bouncing around? At least it would be more nauseating then her performances)
Empress of Sh$%ty Comedy - A woman taking her absolute ability to fail at acting and comedy, and somehow attempting to pass it on as funny. This overblown, self-zealous (watch her reality show), crap spewin' juggernaut of bad comedy has resorted to skipping past the "I'm a (insert insult here)", and instead relies on destroying other A list starts, hoping that her F list score might mingle and move up. Attempting the utmost "in-your-face" comedy, her routine usually consists of alot of rants, usually incoherent as to why they would be perceived as funny, co-mingled with an occasional junk (a.k.a. genital) joke. She succeeds to being about as funny as a flu outbreak of 1918. If we used her comedy to interrogate terrorists, the Geneva convention would get alittle bit longer there after.
So to the aforementioned females comedians, YOU ARE NOT FUNNY! You are not radical, edgy, "in-my-face" (unless you're considered a giant, post-sushi fart), successful, notorious, or new.
Honorable mentions go to:
Rosanne Bar (although her show was not bad)
Wanda Sykes (yes, yes, yes, we know you're black and hate Hollywood)
Amy Sedaris (crap. That comic crap is still around?)
That one female comedian who looks like a mouse and talks in different voices
The "Miss Swan" character from Mad TV (the voice actress is cool though)
And to quote
Fitzy, "an enormous Go F&$K Yourself" to Rosie O Donnell. Not only for the fact that she is not funny...at all...ever. But for claiming that she was deeply depressed after the Columbine Shooting to which none of the victims were ever related to her. Additionally negating the fact that her depression could be brought on by a bad hair cut, a horrible career, being fat as hell, etc.etc.etc. She couldn't give out a larger plea for public pity unless she would go back on The View, and prove once again about how pathetically limited her world views are in the sense that her opinion accounts for jack s#(t as to how society is run (and jack left town a long time ago). Why is it all the no-talent ass clowns draw on public attention, when instead it could be invested into how to make the aforementioned comedians funny.
So to conclude, I'm never one to put a negative on something without first giving a negative to myself (ooorrr my gender). So:
Guy Comics = If Prop Then Not Funny
Girl Comics = If No Self Worth Then Not Funny