Breakfast - Whatever. Usually a handful of dry cereal, and/or pop-tart, and a diet soda.
Lunch - (In the Army, a cup of coffee) Usually Chef Boyardee Ravioli or Spaghetti-o's straight out of the can (yes, cold) with a dash of hot sauce, and if I'm lucky, and handful of Fritos. And a diet soda, or coffee.
Dinner - Bounces between two different menu items, unless I'm eating out.
Option 1 - Two packets of ramen mixed with two diced hot dogs, handful of fritos, and half a can of green beans. Diet coke.
Option 2 - Two El Monteray burritos, hot sauce, fritos, sour cream, and salsa. Diet coke.
Dessert? - Back in the Army I was eating a full two-layered cake a week. Seeing as how my exercise and stress levels have decreased since then, I don't do that much any more.
So how do I stay so healthy you ask? I'm not entirely sure. I still work out 3-5 time a week, and although I do take vitamin suppliments occasionally. However, comparing my caloric input v. output, the math just isn't right.
Okay, so all of this aside, I eat like a bird who has an apparent craving for starches, frtios and diet soda. But what it all boils down to is that you can mock me all you want about my "unhealthy choices", but I can still outrun, outpush, and out situp your ass anyday. So save that "eat a salad" crap for someone who's fat!
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