I wanted to take this moment to thank you for the past 25 years you've provided me with dental care.
Every time I was told I didn't need Novocaine because a cavity wasn't that deep, and you ended up hitting a nerve. Or every time I went in for what I thought was a cleaning, and it ended up being some painful procedure. I will miss all of these moments.
I remember my fond memory of my last routine check up with one of your fine dentists. I was told I had three cavities and that they needed to be filled immediately. It's funny now because I just saw my first civilian dentist for a check up (which might I add, had a VERY hot dental assistant - which up until this time I was lead to believe that only old & ugly women could do this). Apparently those cavities have magically healed, and I'm only in need of a tooth cleaning, which I've been told if I'm concerned about the pain, they'll give me nitrous.
Once again, I appreciate the cost-cutting, let's-get-through-ten-more-soldiers-before-lunch scheme of no pain management. I will miss it tearfully, or rather lack thereof.
Bite my butt,
(former) Captain Azurael
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