Last Friday we interviewed an intern for a possible position at the organization I currently work with. Back in my HR job, I was actually charged with developing the internship positions for the company, so I'm not suprised that our HR turned up their noses at my idea. How can you as an organization not want this? Free labor and all you gotta do is train them! (And hopefully they're hot in the process)
In addition to that, I spent probably a good 6 hours on doing budget work, trying to figure out the expected revenue and expenditures for the next four months. Now forgive me that my crystal ball has run out of batteries, but I can't really put alot of faith into numbers that are three months out, and I'm hoping the bean-counters in accounting will forgive me if/when my numbers for that month are WAAAAAAAAAAAAY off.
Aside from all the work phone, I lost my cell phone in a (semi) drunken stupor weekend before last. Teemany martoonies (martini, dirty, 5 each) made me blank out and wake up at 800am the next morning. After conducting the post-blackout inventory for my crap, I realized my phone was long gone. Fortunately having a phone and SIM card lock on it, noone will discover my list of contacts as well as a small library of porn I kept on there (just for quick reference when I'm bored). I broke down and got a new phone, an Android to be a bit more specific. Other than the fact that I have big ol' bulky fingers and often type the wrong crap using a touchscreen, the phone is actually pretty handy. Never before have I been interested in the weather as much as I am now that it's only a button push away.
It's almost time to wrap up the work day for today (a handy 9 hour work day, per usual). Then tomorrow it's more meetings, more budget stuff, and as usual, day-to-day chaos! W00ty w00t w00t.